Monday, February 20, 2012

Scottish Independence

Plans are afoot to have a vote in 2014 for Scottish Independence. Is this the right road for Scotland to follow? After the  successful 1991 devolution vote the call for independence has grown. The question still remains; is it the politicians that want independence or Scotland's citizens? While the support for the SNP (Scottish National Party) has indeed grown it is hard to say, with certainty, that the call for independence has grown. As an ex-pat I can not say that I would vote for independence, if I were still in Scotland, and I have yet to talk with friends or family who think this is a good idea. As a nation Scotland has very few large industries. Yes it's true we do have oil but for how long would this sustain a nation? And is it enough to maintain an economy? Scotland has its own education system, its own laws, it can raise or lower the basic UK income tax rate by 3%. Do we also need Independence? No!


  1. we will find out what the electorate think after the referendum. I think it will be close, but independence will be rejected.

  2. I agree. What could the possible benefit be to the Scottish people

  3. well, one benefit would be the right to choose our own foreign policy. The government would have the right to decide to go to war or not; for example, I think most Scots would agree that going to Iraq was a bad idea.
